The best buying experiences happen when a salesperson changes the way a customer looks at what they are about to buy. Those insights help them make better decisions and gain additional value from the purchase.

It doesn't happen because of a slogan or product pitch. It happens because the salesperson brings two elements together to reshape the way the buyer sees things:

  1. An intimate knowledge of the buyer's situation
  2. An intimate knowledge of the industry and products

This convergence of information between circumstances and solutions can create those precious "Ah ha" moments that make a buyer say, “wow, okay, that was not what I was expecting," or "Very interesting. I had never thought about it like that.”

A great salesperson can help them draw the conclusions that an industry expert would come to. There is a sense of enlightenment, a sense of excitement that comes when they start thinking about their challenges in a different way, and start seeing potential solutions in a new light.

Buyers value those insights. They buy from people who can deliver them.

Contact us today and we'll help your salespeople deliver better insights and have more "ah ha" moments with clients. Call us at 800-467-4234

Epiphanies waiting to be found and shared

Help your team deliver more meaningful insights with our Sharing Insights Skills training, backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. 

Training modules include:

  1. The 5 hurdles to delivering great insights and how to clear them all
  2. How to share insights that your clients won't find anywhere else
  3. The wonderful correlation between their circumstances and your expertise
  4. Providing real, tangible value before the client ever spends a dime
  5. How to make the Connections that make the difference
  6. How to prepare for sharing insights
  7. When to share insights - timing for impact
  8. How to deliver insights for maximum effect and mileage 
  9. How to help them see their own situation with more clarity
  10. How to avoid "Imposter Insights"
  11. The "WOW" factor of epiphanies
  12. Making sure great insights lead to great decisions

& More

HELP your people share MORE meaningful insights

Few things set a salesperson apart from the competition like the ability to help the client see the world in a new light. We make sure your team has the skills to deliver insights that change the way a client sees things.

Like all of our training, we guarantee the results of these courses. Your people will be measurably and significantly better able to Share Insights after completing these sessions.

Contact us to learn more at 800-467-4234, or email