1. Engaging New Prospects

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Beginnings are critical. Prospects decide within the first few minutes of conversation whether or not they want to do business with a person.  We equip your people with the skills and confidence to MAKE THOSE FIRST FEW MOMENTS EXCEPTIONAL.  We make sure they know what to say and how to say it to establish credibility, pique the client's interest, and secure the next meeting.


2. Discovering Needs


Discovery is perhaps the most important and most misunderstood step in the sales process.  It is the catalyst to proper execution of every other important element in sales.  We teach people how to ASK BETTER QUESTIONS, UNCOVER KEY INFORMATION, build better relationships, and establish credibility so the solutions they recommend become the clear and obvious choice for the client.


3. Analyzing Client Circumstances

Most salespeople don't take time to really LOOK at the information they get from a client.  Analyzing that information, and looking at how the pieces fit together offers A WEALTH OF ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES, connections, and insights.  We train your people to provide real value by helping clients better understand their situation, see around corners, and solve the unique challenges they face.


4. Teaching

Clients want to learn from experts who know the industry, products, and solutions available to them and who have helped others in their situation before.  They want professionals who can teach them the best way to tackle their challenges and SHOW THEM A BETTER WAY FORWARD.  We'll show your people how to effectively teach clients what they need to know to feel confident they are making the best decision.


5. Sharing Insights

Clients want insights.  Their understanding of their own needs and situation coupled with the sales rep's understanding of the industry and solution can provide the perfect convergence of information.  We show salespeople how to bring those two elements together to deliver meaningful insights. Those insights provide real value to the client and SHAPE THEIR VISION OF THE RIGHT SOLUTION... helping to make you the clear choice, and the vendor selection process nothing more than a formality.


6. Presenting Solutions

Clients will happily spend money on products and services that they benefit from.  In a world full of competing products that look and sound virtually the same, the salesperson who can TELL A BETTER STORY will win the lion's share of the businessWe'll show your people how to convincingly present a solution that clients will be thrilled to say "yes" to.


7. Differentiating

Showing why you are different isn't enough.  The real skill of differentiating begins with understanding the connection between the UNIQUENESS OF YOUR OFFER and the FINAL DESTINATION your client wants to reach.  We teach salespeople to help clients see that not only is your company different, it is also the best way for them to accomplish what they are hoping for.


8. Objection Handling

Objections are critical to a client's decision-making process. They wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't look for the holes in your offering.  How those moments are handled determines whether the relationship moves forward or backwardWe teach salespeople how to PREVENT THE UNHEALTHY OBJECTIONS and then how to embrace, manage, and BENEFIT FROM THE HEALTHY ONES.


9. Negotiating

Negotiating with clients is an often misunderstood aspect of sales. Mishandled negotiations can turn good relationships adversarial and shut down sales just as they should be closing. It doesn't have to be that way.  We teach salespeople how to prepare for and skillfully navigate each negotiation, how to UNDERSTAND A BUYERS THINKING, and how to POSITION THEMSELVES FOR THE BEST OUTCOMES, all while strengthening the client relationship.