Perhaps the most obvious yet overlooked truth in sales is this: EVERYTHING you need to know to convince your client to buy is right in front of you. In some cases it is so close you could reach out and touch it. And yet for the vast majority of salespeople, that information will never see the light of day.


The short answer is that most salespeople struggle to get the right information from their clients. In many cases they don't know what to look for, they don't know what to ask, and they don't know how to listen.

At Sales Interactions we specialize in teaching salespeople how to master this uniquely important conversation. Call today for more information at 800-467-4234.


Nearly Every Problem in Sales Stems from Poor Discovery

Nearly every problem in sales stems from errors in the discovery process. Virtually every objection a client will give, virtually every hiccup in negotiations, virtually every stall at close--each and every one of those has it's roots in discovery.

If you are working with incomplete or inaccurate information, if you don't know what the client is trying to accomplish, how can you demonstrate that your solution is right for them?

At Sales Interactions we show salespeople how to prepare for the conversation, ask better questions, listen intently, and truly understand what the client is trying to accomplish. 


Great Discovery = Great Sales

For those who get this step right, something amazing happens. Not only does the client feel better about the relationship from the very beginning, but there is a much greater sense of unified purpose and alignment as the relationship progresses.

Salespeople are able to:

  • Make recommendations in sync with client needs
  • Address important concerns
  • Speak the client's language
  • avoid needless pitfalls
  • Involve the right people
  • deliver a solution that genuinely matches what the client is hoping to accomplish
  • And so much more

Understanding client needs is the catalyst to effective execution of every other important element in sales.

Give your people the skills they need to ask better questions, listen more intently, and provide real value to their clients.  Call 800-467-4234 to talk to a representative.


The Most Important Step in the Process

Help your team master the most important aspect of sales with our Discovery Skills training, backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. 

Training modules include:

  1. The 7 mistakes almost all salespeople make with discovery and how to avoid them
  2. How to effectively prepare for discovery conversations
  3. How to ask better questions
  4. The 5 Golden Rules of Discovery
  5. How to become a better active listener
  6. How to find the drivers that motivate change
  7. How to get the full story instead of just bits and pieces
  8. How to CONTROL THE DIRECTION of the conversation while letting your client do most of the talking
  9. How to dig past the surface-level answers to find out what is really going on
  10. How to find openings and data that allow you to deliver the best teaching moments and insights
  11. How to plant the seeds that SHAPE THEIR VISION of the ideal solution
  12. How to position yourself as the industry expert before you say a word about your product

& More


Give Your People the Key to Better Sales Results

Salespeople who are great at unearthing client needs find each ensuing step in the process to be much more productive. Their conversations tend to be more open, their recommendations have more impact, their negotiations run smoother, and their clients are much more likely to say "yes."

Like all of our training, we guarantee the results of these courses. Your people will be measurably and significantly better able to uncover client needs after completing these sessions.

Call us at 800-467-4234, or email